Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Black Baby bam-a-lam

My daughter is about as white as any human being can look. She is blonde, blue eyed, alabaster skin...I'm talking Aryan race, children of the corn white.

My hubs background is what I like to refer to as hillbilly baptist white. He is neither of those things...his "wonderful" family is! I am adopted but I know I come from Spanish decent on my biological fathers side. I was adopted into a very multi-cultural family. I have African American siblings, Spanish nephews/brother in laws, Thai nieces and nephews, and a sister and law and uncle from the Philippines. I never thought twice about race growing up. I was the very youngest of all my siblings...12-14 of us depending on who claims whom! My younger brother and sister are both bi-racial black and white. In fact I have very vivid memories of asking my mom why I was the different one! My Hub on the other hand was raised by racist wolves! He is neither!!! (Expect in the bedroom...and just the wolf part! ;))

Now that your up to date on meaningless information I will elaborate on my title. I bought my daughter a black baby. She has a red headed baby, a blonde baby, and a brunette baby. I bought the doll on purpose. We live in a predominantly white town. We only get to visit my family a couple of times a year. There is one darker skinned child in her daycare. So she has very little association with different races.

One day we are walking through a store, and literally the blackest human being I have ever seen walks by. Yes, he was very eye catching. Just as much as bright blazing red hair is or big boobs in a tight sweater. Sometimes you just can't help but look for slightly two seconds two long...ya know? Well, my two year old didn't know. She stared at this man and gave him the most peculiar look. Then she looks at me and says in her two year old only one volume of loud voice "what's that?" I was beyond mortified. I didn't want to as the man is looking at the canned green beans right next us...I simply say to my daughter "that is a man shopping". I made no reference to his race as I freaked out in my mind! We left the store. About a few weeks later came Tiana. The black baby princess that is the same doll style as her beloved Arial.

She loved her automatically, but couldn't remember the dolls name for a very long time and would kindly refer to her as "messy" because of her curly hair. This I found hilarious...but handled it by correcting her with the dolls name, Tiana! I thought if it wasn't humiliating enough that she's calling out African American people in the she will be toting one around calling it messy! (p.s. she also calls me messy when I wear my hair curly) I of course understand her terminology, but the racist police would not!

Now she gladly carries around Tiana, Luellen, and Arial. My Hub calls them her entourage! Crisis averted my baby loves all of the human race again! Haha

Wrong! Now I'm dealing with a whole new weird issue! People stare!!! Like serious stare! Black women are the worse... If my daughter has Tiana with her out and about people can't help but look. One woman in a store even doubled back for a second look! I could not believe it. I get the white lady stares... But really? WTH is the big deal and is it so weird! Do I have to scream at everyone "hey dumb ass stop staring! If you act like it strange she will think its strange. I'm trying to raise a child prodigy here!"

We go see my Hubs family this weekend. I can't wait for the inquisition! ;)

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