Can you actually make someone weird?
Since my daughter was only a few months old I would contort my face, make high pitched squeaks, growl like a monster, and sing 80's hits to her. I would dance in front of her bouncy seat and make up songs with her name in it (this is how I accidentally discovered my kids name rhymes with a bad word). I would do exaggerated facial expressions and pretend talk her stuffed animals to her in different voices.
My husband says to me one particularly exuberant morning..."please stop your gonna make her know like you made your nieces all weird." I was like hhmmm with us for parents she is going to be "different" enough lol. So, I decided I would try regular Mommy things. You know like soft lulabys, a gentle voice, and talking in baby talk. All of that annoyed me very quickly!
I got to thinking...can you actually make someone weird?? I think either they have a "funny bone" or they don't! I decided a little research was necessary! Now don't worry I didnt start walking up to every baby and reenact scenes from Fame then growl like a bear and see if they freak out!
What I did do...
One day when I was picking up my daughter from daycare there were other children just hanging out. I sat down and started to play with the kids for a bit before we went home. One little girl was sitting next to me so, with out even thinking, I made a "silly" face at her. Thinking it would make her giggle or smile or something..anything other than crying! Yep, she sobbed! Looked at me like I was nuts and sobbed. I felt horrible! I was not even making a weird sound with the silly face. I scooped up my baby and we went home.
I officially had unknowingly made my test! I decided that I can't possibly make my kid weird. She doesn't cry when my husband and I walk up behind her scream "boo" and then run away! She laughs and then chases us to pay back the frightening favor! She makes ridiculous faces at us...even says "more" when we reenact musicals in the kitchen! She giggles with delight when we dance and trys to copy us when we do something to make each other laugh. I didn't make her be that way. She just is who she is...and she's wonderful! I am making her the opposite of weird. She is not afraid of loud noises, new people, or strange surroundings. She is content on entertaining herself and even sings in her crib some morning (so cute and best alarm clock ever btw). I am making a well rounded adaptable human being...right???
that other kid...weird!
By the way... I've got nothing on my husbands weirdness! He talks to her in Yoda voice and knows all the hand motions and words to the Fame musical!
Hahaha, you made a kid cry!