Friday, November 18, 2011

Im gonna loose it on a dog!!!

Lately I have been having very violent thoughts about our neighbors dog! He is a ridiculously cute black lab...about a 2 years old. Oh and his name is Rufis or Ronaldo or Ramparts..IDK He was a very sweet little puppy then out of no where he turned into a filfhy hysterical barking mongrel. He is rarely let outside at a respectable hour. The barking/growling is slowly chipping away at my sanity! I even love animals; especially dogs! I'm loosing it!

Every time we come home from work, leave on the weekends, or around 630am he is howling! He growls! He is absolutely insane!

Making matters worse these are the "weird neighbors"! The one time I did try to talk to these people...Their dog "Rancid" had escaped! Needless to say we locked up our house like Fort Knox and waited for the mongrel to get hit by a car! Ya, we didn't do that! I held our daughter while my husband tried to corral the thing! All the why calling it by its correct R name. Out of nowhere this half half...guy comes around the corner! This guy was obviously stoned out of his mind...Then his wife, even better! She walks over behind him just giggling! Yep that's it! Not a word just strange I may or may not be a serial killer giggling! Finally the man speaks, My husband knows his name I do not...surprise, "Oh man don't chase my dog!" My Hub who is very nice to strangers, "oh umm I was trying to help get him". The man "screams the Rafiki or Rolly Polly name at the thing until it calms down and runs back to their! They leave..!

I just wish there was a polite way to mosey on over and say hey buddy...your dog is an asshole! Please socialize it or send it to obedience training. If you decide against fixing your rabid beast I am going to do that cut it open and hang it from a tree thing that all the deer hunters post pictures of on Face Book!

*I will not nor have I ever hurt an animal! I love dogs! I would, however, steal the dog and find it a patient home with no neighbors!

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