Monday, November 7, 2011

Holding hands...pretty hands!

I was riding home from church yesterday, and I reached over to hold Toms hand. He made the necessary adjustments and my hand fit comfortably inside of his. I thought hmmm this is so weird. Why do I feel so relaxed when he holds my hand?

It's like all the weird am I pretty anxiety just went away! All morning I was a nervous wreck...ya me nervous. I'm pretty much a complete spaz inside my head. We were going to his colleague's daughters baptism. Whom I've never met... I hate meeting new people from his work! They always have an adverse reaction to me! The women instantly want to slit my throat and the men think I'm stupid...and pretty! Im almost certain the girls think I'm incompetent too!

Maybe I am insecure about being around a ton of engineers and there engineer wives...who are no longer engineers because they want to be stay at home super moms! Who knows?!?!

Or maybe it's just me being crazy Hubs explanation :)

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