Monday, November 21, 2011


Some idiot told me today..."you only regret what you haven't done".. He says wow that is such a powerful quote! I said that's ridiculous I regret lots of things I have done! Then a talk about God ensues. Him saying well everything happens for a reason, and don't you feel like you learned from your experiences?

I quit talking at this point! One thing I have learned, from all of the parts of my life I regret, is if you are going to horribly insult someone with your honest thoughts and opinion you should not speak at all!

I sat there haunted! I was catapulted into my past and left there to dwell on all my regrets. I think thanks a lot gay guy that everyone knows is gay but still pretends no one knows! I thought about all the terrible things I have done to try and destroy my relationship (before we were married <--- I don't know why I always feel the need to throw that in there). I thought about all the people I have lost my temper on. I thought about how I have lied cheated stole. I thought about the many friendships I have not held onto...thought about the ones I have! I thought about how my mind works sometimes! Hell gay guy, I even regret thoughts!

The fact of the matter is that you can't truly regret something unless you have done said something! My question to someone more intelligent than me is...What do you do with all that regret?!?!?

And I know all gay men aren't truly's more like that high school girl tries to look cool not smart complex! <---one of those things I never ever say! The gays are so sensitive!

1 comment:

  1. rofl!!!! Omg, you are settling into an awesome writing style girl! This cracked me up!

    I hear you, I regret a lot. A lot. And I have no idea. That's why I'm going to a shrink. Maybe that's what I'll talk about next time I see her. I'll let you know if she has any valuable insights. ;)
