Sunday, August 26, 2012

What I did today?

Surprise surprise...I'm pregnant! I'm almost 7 weeks! My latest smart ass comment to my hub (when he asks what I did today)? I say oh nothing big just growing a human body. Ha! Poor guy doesn't stand a chance.

The reason for my entry is I'm absolutely loosing it! This blog is soon to become a pregnancy blog...because I just can't seem to shake the feeling that there is something weird going on in there. I know I know...there is! I mean something obscure or out of the ordinary. Ok here it is....I'm completely PARANOID I'm having twins! I'm literally embarrassed as I write this.

I'm obsessed with looking things up on line and checking them to how I feel. It's traumatizing.

I feel like I can't eat, but I'm already showing a little bit! I get so full after I eat and can't digest my food at all. It's got to be the worst feeling ever! I'm hungry, but feel sick after I eat. Then the food just sits there and won't move.

I'm also extremely exhausted. After 4pm I prefer to lay on the couch and play dead until bed time. Of course that is not possible because I have a two year old!

So why do I think there are two? No particular reason...just a feeling. Also so far this pregnancy is so different from my daughter.

(This will be posted later in my pregnancy after I have had a chance to tell all my friends.)

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