My sister in law that is!
Tom comes in the bathroom last night with a Motrin bottle in hand. He says "you better kiss me now because I just took this whole bottle". I say... "I have some Tylenol in there if you want to take those also...just to make sure it took." We were both joking! Yes, we think it's funny to joke about suicide. We also find it humorous to encourage joking suicide!
It was all an elaborate display for how much we hate said sister in law (his sister). Let's call her Humpty Dumpty...HD for short. We met her and some of his family a few weeks ago in Erie NY for the county fair. We of course announced our big news. Everyone seemed happy for us. At least I thought... The 2nd night we were there she decided to inform me that her "husband" (I use that term for her very loosely) thinks pregnant women are repulsive.
Ok let's get one thing straight I could really care less how the crazy (her husband) feels about my current state! Does everyone not know that you never ever ever make any negative comments about a pregnant woman's body or she will self destruct or worse...CRY! Hello dumb ass! That's when I realized she is just trying to be mean. Why else would anyone say that? What I would have liked to have said to her is this- So HD if he thinks pregnant woman are repulsive? How does he feel about you? I can assure you that at about 7-8 months pregnant I will still be smaller than your fat ass! Or is it just the miracle of life that scares him? Haha DID NOT SAY THAT! Just really wanted to.
I ignored her and went to bed. Chewed my Hub a new one for making me endure this. The next morning I woke up to run. Then Hub and I had breakfast. After breakfast most of the house was still asleep. I laid back down for a while as well. I woke up around 11:30! I was so panicked because I knew we didn't have a ton of time with the baby before she would need a nap. Hub and I hurried up got dressed, rushed out, and said we will meet you all there. No big deal, right??? WRONG!
When we finally met up with them HD was pissed! She wouldn't speak to me or Hub or the baby! I was horrified! HD and I have a very tumultuous past and the thought of going down that road again made my stomach turn. I had to go through this whole day being ignored and treated like an outsider. I was absolutely furious! I wasted my weekend for this.
When we returned to the hotel she acted as if nothing am had happened! It was unbelievable. Obviously I'm still in shock. I just can't get over how a 35 year old woman can act like such a Psychotic. Bitch!
What made it worse is that everyone was acting as if she was doing nothing wrong. They almost acted as if I just needed to get over it. It makes me furious how people allow other people to be fuckers! You know the term....oh you just have to get used to him/her! I hate that term. Essentially it says to me oh you will get used to being treated like shit and it won't hurt as much after a while!
The reason for the suicide joke, you ask? A week before she left for New York her "husband" tried to take a ton if pills. He got no where! It was an elaborate cry for attention! She had filed for divorce two days before. Ridiculous people!
And yes I understand that my Hub and I are insensitive assholes!
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